Categories: Foot Pain

Can Blocked Arteries Cause Foot Pain?

Pain is one of your body’s most important ways to send you messages. Pain should never be ignored, and it should not simply be numbed out with pain medications because sometimes these messages tell us that there is a bigger problem in our bodies. Foot pain can be one of these messages. Foot pain can be tricky because so many different things can cause it. This article will help you learn more about foot pain caused by blocked arteries.


How Do Blocked Arteries Cause Foot Pain?

If the arteries in your legs or feet become blocked, it can lead to severe health problems. Arteries in this part of the body can become blocked in the same way that arteries in your heart become blocked. Anytime an artery is blocked, the blood flow to that part of the body is impaired. Impaired blood flow will drastically affect your well-being and could lead to serious problems.

When arteries in the legs or feet are blocked, it is called Peripheral Artery Disease or PAD. One symptom you might experience if you have PAD is foot pain while resting. Another symptom that often pops up is a sore or wound on the feet or legs that simply will not heal.
Severe PAD requires a procedure to correct the problem.


PAD Procedures

You may need a PAD procedure if the foot or leg pain you are experiencing is causing you to slow down and stop doing activities you previously enjoyed. The procedure to fix this problem is similar to a bypass. Bypass surgery will help remove the blockages causing you pain.

Another procedure that is often used is called an angioplasty. During an angioplasty, your doctor will insert and inflate a small balloon in the artery. This widens the artery so that blood can start to flow normally again. These procedures often help to relieve the pain and discomfort you might experience from PAD.


Why PAD Is So Dangerous

This condition is considered to be very dangerous for a number of reasons. One of the most significant reasons is that there are not very obvious symptoms for some people. The disease can progress quite a bit before any symptoms show.

When symptoms do start showing, they are often mistaken for other problems. PAD pain will often simply feel like tired legs and feet. As the condition worsens, you might notice that resting your legs or feet does not help relieve the tired, cramping feeling you are experiencing. You can take medications to reduce the effects of PAD, but you will need a correct diagnosis before starting medication.

Ironically, walking does help to relieve the symptoms and to improve blood circulation in the arteries as well. Even though you might not feel like walking much, it is good for you.
You can also have PAD that actually does not cause problems. You may have a small blockage in your leg or foot artery and never see a symptom or have other complications.

However, for others, blockages can create significant health risks.


How To Improve PAD Naturally?

The good news is that there are safe and simple ways to help prevent this condition from worsening.

If you are a smoker, it is highly recommended that you stop smoking immediately. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you will also want to start working diligently with your doctor to get these conditions under control, as they can make PAD worse. High cholesterol can also make this condition worse.

Walking daily is good for many aspects of your health, but it can be especially helpful if you have PAD.


What If I Need Surgery?

If you need surgery, you should know the risks and the recovery plan. You will likely need two to three weeks to recover from the procedures. Risk factors can include infection, bleeding, anesthesia complications, and more. There is also a small risk of having a heart attack during the surgery.

You will also need to consult with your insurance company concerning the cost of these procedures, as they can be expensive.


How To Know If You Need a Procedure?

If you are working closely with your doctor concerning your foot pain and PAD, your doctor will advise you when it is time for a procedure. However, you need to be aware that sometimes procedures are recommended too early.

If you have already worked with your doctor to find natural healthy ways to resolve the problem, and those methods have not worked, a procedure might be the next step.

If your PAD has gotten so bad that it is drastically affecting your ability to work and function normally, a procedure could help.

If you have started developing sores and wounds that will not heal, or your feet, toes, or legs are discolored, it is probably time to schedule a procedure.


What Are Artery Blockages Made Of?

Blockages in your arteries are made of cholesterol. Cholesterol is naturally present in our bodies, but in the right amounts, our body can process this substance so that it does not cause problems. High cholesterol can be a result of a poor diet or a result of hereditary problems. If your doctor has already diagnosed you with high cholesterol, you need to stick to your treatment plan so that it does not progress to blocked arteries.



You must not disregard your foot pain, especially if normal remedies for sore feet do not make you feel better. Your foot pain could be the result of PAD. Call us!



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