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How Do You Keep a Blanket’s Weight Off Your Feet?

If you’re like many people, you hate the feel of pressing weight on your feet and toes. You toss and turn all night, trying to find the perfect position to keep the blanket off your feet. But no matter what you do, the blanket always manages to find its way back. If this sounds familiar, you may need a blanket lifter for your feet!

A blanket lifter can lessen the pain and discomfort from heavy coverings pressing down on your feet. A blanket lifter from KniseWorks and the Cozy Toezy may be the answer you are looking for. With one of their blanket lifters, you can rest calmly and easily once the pressure is taken off your sensitive feet.

Read on to learn more about blanket lifters and whether they would be right for you. Also, find out whether your feet should be covered at night and whether a weighted blanket could help you with restless leg syndrome.

What is a Blanket Lifter?

A blanket lifter for feet is a simple device that keeps the blanket off your feet all night. It’s easy to use and fits most beds. A blanket lifter will help you get your blanket off your feet, allowing you to fall into a deep and dreamy sleep in no time! A blanket lifter can be a lifesaver for people who dislike the feeling of a blanket touching their feet while they sleep.

If you have ever had trouble with foot problems or foot pain at night, consider using a blanket and bedsheet riser!

How Do You Use a Blanket Lifter?

A blanket lifter typically consists of a frame that goes under the blanket, with handles or straps that can be used to lift it. There is a wide range of blanket lifters available on the market, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Some types of blanket lifters are more suitable for certain types of beds than others. For instance, although certain blanket lifters can be used with any style of bed, some are made exclusively for adjustable beds.

To use a blanket lifter, place it below your blanket near the foot of your bed. It will help keep the blanket in place, prevent it from bunching up at the bottom, and, most importantly, keep it from touching your feet and toes.

Should Your Feet be Covered When Sleeping?

Some people believe keeping the feet covered when sleeping is beneficial, as it can promote relaxation and improve circulation. Others believe it is better to keep the feet uncovered intermittently throughout the night, allowing the body to regulate its temperature more effectively.

There is no right or wrong answer; ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide what is best for them. If you get cold easily, you may find that covering your feet helps you sleep better. If you tend to overheat at night, you may find that sleeping with uncovered feet helps you stay cooler and more comfortable.

However, some people cannot bear anything touching their feet while sleeping. They cannot get comfortable or reach a deep state of sleep with the feeling of covers touching their skin. In this case, a blanket lifter may be the perfect solution.

How Do You Stop Restless Legs Using Weighted Blankets?

There is some evidence that weighted blankets may help to relieve the symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS). Some people with restless legs syndrome may find that a weighted blanket’s added weight helps ease their symptoms through what is known as deep touch pressure therapy. Though the weighted blanket has been around since 1992, the scientific study of its efficacy did not begin until 1999 under the research of an occupational therapist, Tina Champagne.

If you’re interested in trying a weighted blanket for your restless legs, choosing the right weight is important. Blankets that are too heavy or too light can worsen the sensations of RLS.

If you are considering using a weighted blanket to help with your restless legs syndrome, you must speak with your doctor first. This is because weighted blankets can be dangerous for some people with certain medical conditions and especially dangerous for infants. Your doctor can advise whether a weighted blanket is right for you.

How Do You Lift a Bedridden Patient onto the Bed?

While we are on the subject of beds and sleeping, did you know there are several ways to lift a bedridden patient onto the bed? One way is to use a bed lift, a mechanical device that helps raise and lower the patient. Another way is to use a sling which is a piece of fabric that helps support the patient. Various methods can be used to transfer the patient from the bed to a wheelchair or other type of chair.

If you lift a bedridden patient onto the bed, it is important to ensure that you are using the proper technique for the safety of your patient and yourself. This includes making sure that the patient is securely attached to the bed lift or sling and that you are using the correct body mechanics. It is best if there is another person available to assist. If you are unsure how to lift a bedridden patient properly, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional.


If you’re struggling to sleep at night because you can’t stand bed covers touching your feet, a blanket lifter could answer your prayers. The Cozy Toezy Portable Bed Sheet Riser is a dynamic, one-of-a-kind bedsheet riser that makes sleeping a breeze. Contact us at KniseWorks today to learn more about their product and how it can help you get a better night’s sleep.

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